Political Forum

Political Forum gives Chicagoans a direct line to their government.

Political Forum: Alderman Bob Fioretti

Published on Mar 15, 2013

Ald. Bob Fioretti (2nd Ward) discusses new plans for red light cameras, the Taste of Chicago’s future, and increasing the number of police, answering questions from constituents on CAN TV’s Political Forum. This show was taped live on March 13, 2013.

Ald. Fioretti on red light cameras: “We are becoming a very oppressive, reactionary city in terms of what we do and how we collect revenue from our citizens.”

Ald. Fioretti on the Taste of Chicago: “In this day in age when we’re under tight budget constraints, losing $1.3 million dollars with the addition of top names that we put in last year, is something that I as an official have to look at.”