Chicago Newsroom

Journalists and newsmakers analyze the week’s top local stories. Thursdays at 6 p.m. on CAN TV27

Chicago Newsroom 6/28/18

Published on Jun 28, 2018

Ken Davis is joined by former Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, who’s spearheading a petition drive to impose a mandatory two-term limit on Chicago’s mayor’s office. Quinn claims that he’s well within the time-frame for gathering the 40-to-50-thousand signatures he needs to get his initiative on the November ballot as a binding referendum. If it achieves 50%-plus-one positive response, Rahn Emanuel will be prohibited from appearing on the ballot next February. Quinn also discusses Bruce Rauner’s role in the Janus v. AFSCME case, which, decided yesterday by the Supreme Court, restricts the way unions can fund their operations by prohibiting the collection of “fair share” payments from non-members. Quinn also says he doesn’t favor clemency for Rod Blagojevich unless and until he expresses remorse for his crimes. This program was produced by Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV).