Political Forum

Political Forum gives Chicagoans a direct line to their government.

Alderman John Arena | Political Forum on CAN TV

Published on May 30, 2013

Ald. John Arena (45th Ward) discusses Mayor Emanuel’s newest parking meter deal, why he opposed CPS’s school closing proposal, and where Chicago’s true “Six Corners” intersection is located.This episode of Political Forum was recorded live as a community service of CAN TV.

On school closings: “you can’t rebuild a community without having that fundamental piece”
“we’re the only city in Illinois that does not have an elected school board”
On the Portage Theater: “The Portage Theater will come back…what we need to do is make sure that we have a good operator that’s going to produce a positive business environment in Portage Park.”
On summer violence: “we really have to see more police officers build up the force because paying overtime at this rate is not sustainable for our budget”

More Political Forum: http://www.cantv.org/politicalforum.htm
Ald. John Arena’s website: http://ward45.org/