
Vote smart

Start with CAN TV’s extensive coverage of candidates in 19 runoff wards at cantv.org/election.

Chicago Newsroom: Special Election Editions

The Race for Mayor
Sylvia Puente, Latino Policy Forum, and Neil Steinberg, Chicago Sun-Times discuss what the latest polling data predicts for Chicago’s mayoral race.

Aldermanic Runoff Elections
Mick Dumke and Ben Joravsky, Chicago Reader, and Cliff Kelley, WVON examine aldermanic contests in wards 16, 21, and 29.

CAN TV Coverage: Aldermanic Runoff Forums

Hear from candidates in aldermanic races throughout Chicago with CAN TV’s coverage of events including:

24th Ward Aldermanic Forum with Vetress Boyce and Michael Scott, Jr.

46th Ward Aldermanic Forum with James Cappleman and Amy Crawford