• Our Mission

    To promote people's right to speak and be heard

  • Our Mission

    To invest people with the power of technology

  • Our Mission

    To teach independent media use

  • Our Mission

    To seek understanding through media

  • Our Mission

    To link people to local opportunities

  • Our Mission

    To involve diverse people and voices

  • Our Mission

    To build technological literacy

CAN TV is an independent nonprofit established in 1983 as the public’s space on cable television free of commercials, filters, and censors.

On our five local channels you can see the diversity of people and ideas that reflect Chicago, including voices often excluded from the mainstream media.

The city where neighbors can freely share their passions and talents with one another is the city that works better.  For everyone.

So step up, sign up, make, watch, and support the people’s network in Chicago.